ࡱ> 685_ bjbj> > ."\ci\ciG $3"$ ttt^tttV@vK$  0G x%$(%v%v<tL(G %Y W: FINAL REPORT & DIGITAL PORTFOLIO FOR ENGLISH DEPARTMENT INTERNS Before you receive a final grade for your internship, you must submit a final report in the form of a recorded 6 minute 40 second PowerPoint video posted on YouTube. The parameters of pechakucha are below, and regardless of your individual internship every report must do the following: 20 slides Each slide is up for 20 seconds on an automatic timer Total report time is 6 minutes 40 seconds Every report must include at least one example of the work you createda photo, a pull out quote from something you wrote, a photo of you doing internship work Every report must include at least one quote (it can be paraphrased if needed) of something your site supervisor said that taught you something important Every report must include one slide with your experience summary typed out in 1-3 sentences Every presentation must include images Animations are not required, but you can if you already know how to do them You may include a few slides that are up for 40 seconds (and count as 2 of the allowed 20) if your quote, or a sample of your work, for example, is too long for one 20-second slide See this YouTube video, which is a pechkucha about how to make a pechakucha:  HYPERLINK "https://youtu.be/32WEzM3LFhw" https://youtu.be/32WEzM3LFhw Helpful tips: Time: the time is automated but your time portion of the grade gets maximum credit if you deliver your script at a comfortable pace without awkward dead time or being rushed or out of sync with your slides. Voice projection: Be sure to practice and speak loudly enough so everyone can hear you well. Solid message and good slides: Your presentation will create a useful artifact for future internship candidates to learn about your site. You should be as informative as possible, and also frank and honest. Your presentation will be used to promote the internship site, but we are practicing and encouraging truth in advertising. Except for quotes, text should be header-level, not the script for your presentation. Good interesting images are important A well organized presentation is properly scoped, focused, and purposeful. Umph: A good presentation is assembled and delivered with enthusiasm and passion; the best ones are entertaining on some level. Topical Areas to Cover: How closely did the internship experience correspond to the original provisions of the contract? How did your supervisor provide you with learning opportunities and make an effort to teach you? Do you feel satisfied with the variety and nature of your experiences? Which were the most valuable? Which were the least valuable? Explain Do you feel that you are now in a better position to find a job that interests you? Why? Are you glad that you took this internship? Explain. Would you recommend that this company be retained as a participant in the program? Are there any other comments that you would like to make about your internship experience? Will you be seeking another placement in the internship program? Was this your first internship or had you completed a different one previously? You do not need to devote equal space to these questions; stress what you feel is important and pass over what is not. Remember to be honest; you wont be penalized for being critical. One of the purposes of this presentation is to inform future interns. Post your completed recorded PowerPoint slideshow onto YouTube and provide your internship coordinator (Prof. Michael Filas or Prof. George Layng) with the link. Other elements for your final portfolio: 1) digital dossier of work done in internship; 2) updated resume that includes this internship; 3) copy of thank you email to site supervisor.   %&ABCc d n o e    # $ % & 4 5 : agn(*9sxĽ䵰h|h)5h)h)5\ h)5h:ch)5 hsh\tLh!ihah\tL0J h\tLh\tLjh\tLUh\tLh)hWPh7; h7;5 h!i5 hI5<ABCc d n o e % & 4 5 a & Fgd) & Fgd)gd)gd7;$a$gd7;(spq8W_`DEgd7;8^8gd7; & Fgd7;h^hgd7; & Fgd7;gd) & Fgd)pqv8W_`DE345ac!'89vw hshXh7AhIh7;h)hX5E4589gd7;gdX & Fgd7; ,1h/ =!"#$% x666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666866666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p(8HX`~8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List @@@ XList Paragraph ^6U`6 \tL0 Hyperlink >*B*phcRv!R \tL0Unresolved MentionB*ph`^\q PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V (BO)MBT.$@0H!A>풠Uc-zD[&!rX=}zC0` ި%.]Ssd--7 +fOZեrŵVœ\lji2ZGwm-3˵j7\ Uk5FҨ-:xRkcr3Ϣ+9kji9OP Et-j|#p;E=Ɖ5Z2sgF=8 K}*7c<`*HJTcB<{Jc]\ Ҡk=ti"MGfIw&9ql> $>HmPd{(6%z:"'/f7w0qBcF6f Iöi1(\}B5ҹ~Bcr6I;}mY/lIz1!) ac 1fm ƪN^I77yrJ'd$s<{uC>== Ƌ(uX=WA NC2>GK<(C,ݖm: &-8j^N܀ݑ$4:/x vTu>*ٞn{M.Ǿ0v4<1>&ⶏVn.B>1CḑOk!#;Ҍ}$pQ˙y')fY?u \$/1d8*ZI$G#d\,{uk<$:lWV j^ZơSc*+ESa1똀 k3Ģxzjv3,jZU3@jWu;z \v5i?{8&==ϘNX1?  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