Art Therapy Preparation Concentration, B.A.

As a mental health profession, art therapy counseling combines the therapeutic uses of art with the skills of a professional counselor to help heal and restore the function and emotional health of clients of all ages.

What You’ll Learn

  • Visual art
  • Creative process
  • Psychotherapy
  • Human development
  • Counseling theories and techniques

Career Paths

  • Mental Health Centers
  • Hospitals
  • Forensic Institutions
  • Community Outreach Programs
  • Schools
  • Nursing Homes
  • Private Practice

How can an Art Therapy Preparation Concentration benefit me? 
If you’re majoring in psychology or art you can pursue a Concentration in Art Therapy Preparation at Westfield State University. Upon graduation, you’ll be prepared to enter into a graduate program in Art Therapy without having to meet additional requirements.

Art therapy counselors are trained in both art and therapy
Entry-level practice requires a master's degree. Massachusetts licensure laws apply to art therapists and counselors.

If there is something you want to do, Westfield will help you do it.

Art Therapy Major Student



Portfolio Review:

If you've requested admission to the Art Major on your application form, applicants must successfully pass a portfolio review by the Art Department’s faculty.


Program Description

Art therapists are professional providers with at least a master's degree in either art therapy or a master's degree with a concentration in art therapy. A bachelor's degree is required to get into an art therapy graduate program. The Art Therapy Preparation concentration at Westfield State University meets all coursework and portfolio requirements necessary to gain admittance into a graduate program in Art Therapy.

Requirements for Art Majors
  • One Art elective Credits: 3 Two 300-level Art History Courses Credits: 6

One of the following:


** Students completing Art Teacher Licensure Programs must take  Introduction to Computer Graphics as their art elective.

Art majors are required to take  and , to satisfy the Appreciation of the Arts requirement of the common core.

Art majors must complete a minimum of 27 credits of course work within the Art Department at Westfield State. Students are advised to consult their advisors for information on course sequencing and general core requirements.

Art majors intending to pursue graduate work beyond their major are advised to take additionally recommended studio courses of their choice. It is also advisable to include more than the minimum requirements in Art History.

Art Therapy Preparation Concentration For Art Majors

This concentration requires 36 credits of coursework (12 classes), but is only an additional 18 credits for art or psychology majors (6 classes). Art majors should take at least 6 of the following PSYC classes.

Psychology Courses - 18 credits:

  • Required:
  •  Individual Systems (at least 1):
  •  Developmental (at least 1):
  •  Applied (both are required):
  •  Elective:Any PSYC class
Additional Graduation Requirements

All students must meet the  and complete a general education or common core of studies, distributed among the different academic areas as detailed in  or .

Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge Base
  • Scientific Inquiry & Critical Thinking
  • Ethical & Social Responsibility in a Diverse World
  • Communication
  • Professional Development
Westfield State student teacher with student